Promissory note

Promissory Notes

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1 Step One fill out details
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2 Step Two print document
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3 Step Three get it signed
Follow the instructions to sign a Promissory Note in your state.
Provide the following information to begin:
What is a Promissory Note?
What state's laws will apply to my Promissory Note?
When do I need a Promissory Note?
What state's laws will apply to this Promissory Note?   
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Select the number of Lenders:
Lender #1
First Name: *    Last Name:    *
Address:  *
City:  *  State:  *  Zip:
Select the number of Borrowers:
Borrower #1
First Name: *    Last Name:    *
Address:  *
City:  *  State:  *  Zip:

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* Required Field
A Promissory Note is a written contract between Lender and Borrower that sets forth the terms and conditions upon which money is being borrowed and will be paid back. Promissory Notes are also commonly used in sales transactions where the Buyer does not pay the balance in full at the time of the purchase. If a Borrower defaults on the terms of a Promissory Note, the Lender can take legal action. TotalLegal makes it easy to create a Promissory Note customized to meet your needs.
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