Q. Does a Will need to be notarized?
Ans. No, a notary is not required in order to create a legal and valid Will.
Q. What makes a Will legal?
Ans. A Will must be properly signed (executed) in order to be legal and valid. The process of signing a Will is not difficult. Basically, a Will must be signed in the presence of two witnesses. You will receive detailed instructions with your document for signing a Will in your state.
Q. Can married couples create one Will that covers both people?
Ans. No, that is called a "Joint Will" and may not be created using TotalLegal.
The most common practice for married couples is to create two Wills. Couples will often create Wills that ’mirror’ each other, leaving the bulk of their property to each other and naming the same alternate beneficiaries, executors, guardians, and trustees.
Joint Wills have the disadvantage that they do not take effect until the second spouse dies but cannot be changed after the first spouse dies. This can result in an outdated will that does not reflect circumstances at the time of the second spouse’s death.
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