LLC and Corporation State Filing Fees
State | LLC | Corporation |
AK | $250 | $250 |
AL | $200 | $150 |
AR | $50 | $50 |
AZ | $50 | $95 |
CA | $70 | $100 |
CO | $50 | $50 |
CT | $120 | $250 |
DC | $99 | $99 |
DE | $109 | $110 |
FL | $100 | $70 |
GA | $110 | $110 |
HI | $50 | $50 |
IA | $50 | $50 |
ID | $100 | $100 |
IL | $150 | $175 |
IN | $100 | $90 |
KS | $165 | $90 |
KY | $40 | $50 |
LA | $100 | $75 |
MA | $500 | $275 |
MD | $141 | $120 |
ME | $175 | $145 |
MI | $50 | $60 |
MN | $135 | $135 |
MO | $105 | $58 |
MS | $50 | $50 |
MT | $35 | $35 |
NC | $125 | $125 |
ND | $135 | $100 |
NE | $110 | $110 |
NH | $100 | $100 |
NJ | $125 | $125 |
NM | $50 | $100 |
NV | $435.63 | $735.63 |
NY | $200 | $125 |
OH | $99 | $99 |
OK | $100 | $50 |
OR | $100 | $100 |
PA | $125 | $125 |
RI | $150 | $230 |
SC | $110 | $135 |
SD | $165 | $165 |
TN | $300 | $100 |
TX | $300 | $300 |
UT | $59 | $59 |
VA | $100 | $75 |
VT | $125 | $125 |
WA | $180 | $180 |
WI | $170 | $100 |
WV | $100 | $100 |
WY | $100 | $100 |
State Filing Fees
When deciding to form an LLC or Corporation, knowing what your state filing fee is can be very helpful. State filing fees vary greatly, ranging from as low as $40 (Kentucky LLC) to as high as $500 (Massachusetts LLC). The state filing fee is a one-time fee that is required to form your LLC or Corporation.
TotalLegal Fee
If you choose to form your LLC or Corporation with TotaLegal, you will pay a formation fee of $99, in addition to the required state filing fee. TotalLegal will conduct a businesss name availability search, file the required formation documents with the proper state entity, and upon approval, will upload the Articles (or Certificate) of Organization/Incorporation to your TotalLegal account. TotalLegal also includes a sample Operating Agreement for your LLC.