How to Electronically Sign, Scan and Email a Document

Step 1: Open the Document Using a PDF Editor
Download a PDF editor such as Adobe Acrobat or pdfFiller if you don't already have or use one. Note that you can't edit or sign a document with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF editor software offers a wide array of features that enhance the user's ability to interact with and modify documents without compromising the document's original formatting. Furthermore, PDF editors offer options for adding digital signatures, which not only streamline document signing processes but also enhance security and authenticity.
Step 2: Add a Digital Signature to the Document
A digital signature can be generated using by selecting the "Sign" or"Digital Signature" option in the PDF software and following the instructions to apply the signature to the document. It is important to ensure that the signature is placed in the appropriate location and that it does not obstruct any important information within the document. Finally, the digitally signed document should be saved as a PDF file. Select the "Save" or "Save As" option in the PDF software and choose the PDF format as the file type. Saving the document as a PDF ensures that the digital signature remains intact.
Step 3: Print the Document
Step 4: Scan and Save the Document using a Scanner Application
Scanning apps have become increasingly popular as a convenient way to digitize documents. Several examples of scanning apps include Adobe Scan, CamScanner, iScanner and Microsoft Office Lens. These apps utilize the camera on a smartphone or tablet to capture images of physical documents and convert them into digital files. First, open the scanner app, and take a photo of the printed document, making sure the whole document fits into the phone screen. Once the preview of the document appears in the scanner app, select the "black and white" setting. This eliminates any shadows or discoloration that may appear. Next, click the "Done" or “Scan” button on the software interface. The scanner app will allow the user to save the scanned document as a .pdf file. Once saved, select "Email". Enter the recipient's email address, the subject, and the message. The document show up as an attachment to the email. Finally, click the "Send" button to transmit the email and the attached scanned document to the recipient.