If you want to form a business entity that earns a profit, but limits taxes and personal liability, you may want to consider forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC). LLCs also have the same powers afforded to a corporation. Forming an LLC in Oregon is easy, fast, and affordable.
Oregon LLC Costs | |
TotalLegal Fee | $99 |
Oregon Filing Fee | $100 |
Total | $199 |
The name of the limited liability company must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or the abbreviations "LLC" or "L.L.C.".
You will need to provide the name of your LLC, the street and mailing address of the LLC's principal office, the Registered Agent's name and physical address, the name of the organizer (person forming the LLC), and the name(s) and address(es) of the member(s) (the owners) of the LLC.
Processing time can vary, but Oregon filings typically take 1-3 business days. When approved, TotalLegal will upload your Articles of Organization to your account, and send you an email letting you know you are approved to do business in Oregon.
It's not hard at all. Each Oregon LLC is required to file an report. The annual report is due on the anniversary date (the date the LLC was initially approved by the state). The annual fee is $100. The annual report and the fee can be completed and paid easiy online.
Making changes to your LLC in Oregon is pretty inexpensive compared to other states. Most changes you need to amend your LLC and/or change your Registered Agent can be done online, most for $50.00 or less.
TotalLegal provides your LLC with a free Operating Agreement, which makes opening a bank account for your LLC in Oregon very easy.
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