State | LLC | Corporation |
AK | $250 | $250 |
AL | $200 | $150 |
AR | $50 | $50 |
AZ | $50 | $95 |
CA | $70 | $100 |
CO | $50 | $50 |
CT | $120 | $250 |
DC | $99 | $99 |
DE | $109 | $110 |
FL | $100 | $70 |
GA | $110 | $110 |
HI | $50 | $50 |
IA | $50 | $50 |
ID | $100 | $100 |
IL | $150 | $175 |
IN | $100 | $90 |
KS | $165 | $90 |
KY | $40 | $50 |
LA | $100 | $75 |
MA | $500 | $275 |
MD | $141 | $120 |
ME | $175 | $145 |
MI | $50 | $60 |
MN | $135 | $135 |
MO | $105 | $58 |
MS | $50 | $50 |
MT | $35 | $35 |
NC | $125 | $125 |
ND | $135 | $100 |
NE | $110 | $110 |
NH | $100 | $100 |
NJ | $125 | $125 |
NM | $50 | $100 |
NV | $435.63 | $735.63 |
NY | $200 | $125 |
OH | $99 | $99 |
OK | $100 | $50 |
OR | $100 | $100 |
PA | $125 | $125 |
RI | $150 | $230 |
SC | $110 | $135 |
SD | $165 | $165 |
TN | $300 | $100 |
TX | $300 | $300 |
UT | $59 | $59 |
VA | $100 | $75 |
VT | $125 | $125 |
WA | $180 | $180 |
WI | $170 | $100 |
WV | $100 | $100 |
WY | $100 | $100 |
When deciding to form an LLC or Corporation, knowing what your state filing fee is can be very helpful. State filing fees vary greatly, ranging from as low as $40 (Kentucky LLC) to as high as $500 (Massachusetts LLC). The state filing fee is a one-time fee that is required to form your LLC or Corporation.
If you choose to form your LLC or Corporation with TotaLegal, you will pay a formation fee of $99, in addition to the required state filing fee. TotalLegal will conduct a businesss name availability search, file the required formation documents with the proper state entity, and upon approval, will upload the Articles (or Certificate) of Organization/Incorporation to your TotalLegal account. TotalLegal also includes a sample Operating Agreement for your LLC.
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