• Complete the
    online interview.
  • Print your Will
    yourself or
    receive it by mail.
  • Follow the
    instructions to
    sign your Will
    in your state.
“Thank you very much. You offer the public a great service, it has saved my wife and I a ton of money.”
– Bennett T.
“Just wanted to say 'thanks' for such an easy, hassle-free service. It couldn't have been any easier. What I thought would be a legal nightmare turned out to be nothing more than the simple reading of instructions and clicking the keys on the keyboard.”
– William G.

Utah Wills

Join over 1 million people who have used TotalLegal to save time and money.
  • Create a Will for any state.
  • Receive and print your document instantly.

Enter your information below to begin a Will.

Spouse Information

State your wishes

Provide for your family

Easy Online Will

A Secure and Trusted Way to Protect Your Family

A Will can protect your assets and helps minimize the chances of a contest over your estate. If you die without one, your estate may not be distributed as you would choose. Use a Will to:
  • Provide for your family
  • Specify whom you would like to receive your property
  • State your funeral and burial instructions
  • Create a trust for minor children
  • Disinherit a person(s)
  • Name a guardian for minor children